About me

I am Peter Wu (a.k.a. Lekensteyn), a systems engineer at the orange cloud company, Free/Libre Open Source Software enthusiast, TU/e alumni, Arch Linux user and twin (hi Rob!). My various hats: Wireshark core developer, KDE developer, LLVM committer.

Got some Linux, Ubuntu or programming question? I might already have answered them for you at Stack Exchange!

Of course you can also get in touch with me by email (peter@lekensteyn.nl), Mastodon (@Lekensteyn@infosec.exchange), or Twitter (@Lekensteyn).

Pages and articles


You can find a more extensive list of my (open-source) projects in my git repositories on Github or git.lekensteyn.nl. A selection of interesting projects I have been working on:


Sometimes, I really have an urge to drop a file somewhere, that's why I have a files section.

If you want to learn about TLS and QUIC decryption in Wireshark, see these presentation slides on TLS decryption secrets, TLS decryption in Wireshark, or Real-world post-quantum TLS in Wireshark.